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Transforming monoliths

Are you stuck with a rigid monolith that no one dares to modify? Or perhaps you're dealing with a convoluted tangle of microservices, resembling the frustration of untangling Christmas lights. Rest assured, you're not alone in this predicament. Many organizations are struggling with the same issues.

Even in 2023, building the right system remains challenging and prone to mistakes regardless of the chosen approach. However, there is a pattern that can assist in organizing your system in a natural manner. This pattern will align the language used by the business with the system's language and increases comprehension of the code. I am talking about Message-driven architectures.

We'll apply this pattern step by step to a real-world example during this talk. We will dismantle a monolith, applying more and more of the pattern as we go. You will see that the code becomes more understandable and reliable. Even the location of the code becomes less relevant - providing you with the opportunity to move to microservices or away from them, depending on your needs.

Once we understand the pattern, I'll show you how to avoid common mistakes. Armed with this pattern and the most common pitfalls, you will be able to reorganize your system without fear!

Short version

Are you stuck with a rigid monolith that no one dares to modify? Or perhaps you're dealing with a convoluted tangle of microservices, resembling the frustration of untangling Christmas lights. Rest assured; you're not alone in this predicament.

There's a pattern that will align the language used by the business with the system's language and increases comprehension of the code. I am talking about Message-driven architectures.

We'll apply this pattern step by step to a real-world example during this talk. We will dismantle a monolith, applying more and more of the pattern as we go.